Steps to Adopting
Fill out our Adoption Form
- SRSC will keep your application for up to 1 year. If you have any information that needs to be updated, please submit a new form.
Ready your family, neighbors, house, and yard
Keep checking our website for available dogs and watch for our email notifications about new dogs
SRSC performs a home check to make sure the dog is a good fit for your home
SRSC introduces you to the prospective dog
Sign the SRSC Adoption Agreement and take your new best friend home
Adopting Details
Fill out our adoption form. It may seem like a big, weird hassle but it helps us match you to a Samoyed waiting for adoption.
Having received and reviewed your form, our Rescue Coordinator will contact you about available dogs. If a suitable dog isn’t available, you’ll be put on our waiting list. SRSC will keep your adoption form on our waiting list for a year.
In the meantime, get your house and yard ready to accept the new dog. Repair fences and protect plants and lawns. Move possible “chew toys,” such as fine Italian leather shoes, and store them safely in a closet. A new dog often marks (um, with urine) a new house inside and out. Sorry, but you’d better have some enzymatic cleaner and wipe rags available. This will end once the pet recognizes your house as its home and knows how and when to get outside for relief.
Maintain contact with us. Sometimes weeks can go by without any available dogs and then dogs appear at our doorsteps in bunches. Feel free to email or leave a message. We are a small, all-volunteer organization easily distracted by things like work, plumbing leaks and children; it may take a few days for us to get back to you.
Please be patient. Think of us like the government, except you didn’t elect us, you can’t replace us, we don’t have all your tax dollars to spend, and we do try hard.
Once there appears to be a match, the next steps are a phone screen, home check and a Meet ‘n Greet with the prospective dog. A home check is generally conducted before the meeting to make sure that your yard is secure and that there is an overall compatibility between your home environment and the needs of the prospective dog. This seems intrusive, but it’s not. It’s best for you, for us, and for the dog.
You will need to sign an Adoption Agreement.
Consider this decision carefully. You may be wondering about whether you want to adopt a Samoyed or whether a particular dog is the right one for you. That’s OK. In the event the adoption does not work out, you must return the dog to SRSC.

The first day
Bringing a new dog home is exciting for everyone, including the dog. First impressions are important for dogs, so early experiences in a dog’s new home tend to leave a lasting impression. You can do a lot to help your dog feel secure in his/her new home.
Your Dog’s Special Person
Assign a particular family member to be your dog’s special person. A dog needs a leader, someone to play with who will feed and exercise him/her. Samoyeds are highly social, they love to be around people 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Unlike people, they don’t usually need a break for time alone. While the realities of modern life make this extremely difficult, dogs can still be happy and healthy even if they have to spend time alone. But it is important that all of their needs are taken care of. So, while one person does not have to do all the exercising, cleaning, and feeding, one person needs to be responsible for ensuring that all of this gets done––each and every day.
Your Dog’s New Home
Keep your dog on leash when he/she first comes to his/her new home and take him/her around the house and yard. Show your dog each room, where the food and water are located, where his/her bed is, where the dog toys are kept. Introduce your dog to any family member he/she has not yet met. Take him/her to the appropriate place and wait to see if she needs to relieve himself/herself.
Until your dog’s bathroom habits have been established, take your adult dog out every couple of hours. If you adopted a puppy, you should take the puppy out every hour. (You can expect a puppy to start having bladder control at about 5 months). When you go out, praise your dog each and every time he/she uses the designated area, whether this is in the backyard or during a walk. Tell your dog what a great dog he/she is, even give small treats. NEVER rub your dog’s nose in a “mistake,” or make him/her nervous about relieving himself/herself in your presence.
Introducing Your New Dog to Other Pets
Most pets enjoy each other’s company. A pet with a playmate can get more exercise, stimulation and companionship. But sometimes it takes a while for them to realize the wonderful advantages they’re about to enjoy.
Resident dogs view the arrival of another dog as an invasion of their territory. To get them off to a good start, it is commonly recommended that you introduce them in a neutral location rather than in your own home or yard. Even letting them meet outside on the sidewalk could help lessen the territorial reactions. Then have short, fun sessions with the dogs. Play games, go for walks, be generous with doggy treats. Let the dogs know that when they are together, they are going to have a great time. When you are not at home, keep the dogs in separate rooms at first until they are comfortable with each other, if possible.
Dogs can experience jealousy and other complex emotions. Your resident dog may revert to some long–forgotten behaviors like chewing or territory marking to express her negative feelings. Punishing her for them will only alienate her more, reinforcing the feelings she is upset about. In addition, be careful not to neglect your old friend in your excitement over the new dog. Nothing will irritate him/her more than seeing all the hugs and attention your dog is used to getting being lavished on another dog. Tip the scales of treats and praise in favor of the resident dog.
A dog meeting a cat should always be leashed. Supervise the encounter and watch your dog for signs of aggressive behavior towards the cat. Curiosity is normal, but a dog who lunges at a cat is not safe to be off–leash with the cat. If your dog gets on well with the cat, but the cat shows you that she’s feeling threatened during this experience, let her retreat to a safe room until she’s willing to try again. Some trainers recommend that you crate the dog and let the cat wander around outside the crate until the new dog and resident cat get more familiar with each other. Never force an encounter.
Kids and Dogs
There is no reason why young children and dogs cannot be the best of friends, so long as your kids understand some simple facts about dog behavior. Talk to your children about the importance of being calm and gentle with your new pet. Dogs DO NOT like to be squeezed, picked up or have their tails pulled. Dogs are sensitive to loud noises and sudden movements, and will feel threatened if they are chased, stared at, or lunged at. Dogs DO NOT like to be disturbed while they are eating.
Click here for the 3 3 3 Rule for Adopting a Rescue Dog
Please fill in as much as possible.
SRSC will keep the application for up to one year. Be sure to contact us and keep checking our website for new arrivals.